Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Storage vMotion Failed

In my previous post “Problem With Virtual Machine Backup–Part 2 of 2”, I mentioned that I encountered an issue in trying to storage vMotion the configuration files to a new datastore.  This is the error message when I did the vMotion.

The method is disabled by “SYMC-FULL 29-10-2011 16:21”

Storage vMotion Failed

I tried doing it with the virtual machine shutdown but the Migrate option was greyed out (disabled).


Checking the VPX_DISABLED_METHODS table in the Virtual Center database shows that backup is preventing the vMotion to happen.


I have verified that no backup job was running against the virtual machines during the attempt of vMotion.  So it seemed like an orphaned operation.  The solution is to re-inventory the affected virtual machines.

So I shutdown the affected virtual machines. Remove them from the inventory.


Add the virtual machines back to the inventory by navigating to the datastore and folder which contains the vmx file of the virtual machines.  Right click the vmx file and select “Add to Inventory”.


After the re-inventory, I am able to storage vMotion successfully.


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