Friday, January 13, 2012

DFS Replication Health Report - Cannot access the local WMI repository

I was trying to generate a DFS Replication Health Report but was hit with the “Cannot access the local WMI repository” error.


The server detail provides the description of the error.

Due to the following error, the DFS Replication reporting mechanism cannot access the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) namespace to retrieve certain reporting information. Error ID: 0x80070002.


Found this technet forum and tried out the following suggestions but did not work. 

  1. Using ADSIEdit.msc, I have verified that “Authenticated Users” has Read permission on the computer object of the server and DFSR-LocalSettings object of the server’s computer object.  So nothing wrong with the permissions.
  2. At the command prompt of the of %windir%\system32\wbem, run the following commands:
    mofcomp dfsrprovs.mof
    net stop winmgmt
    net start winmgmt
    net start iphlpsvc
    net stop dfsr
    net start dfsr

Then I found this blog which highlighted the missing rights required to run the report.  The account used to run the report did not have the “Debug Programs” rights.  After granting the account “Debug Programs” rights, I am able to generate the report successfully.

1 comment:

Marvin256 said...

I had the same issue today but the problem for me was an USB drive that I connected on the server and generated tons of uaspstor error #129
I disconnect the USB drive and everything went back to normal